Exciting Announcement: The Institute of Highland California is now Highland, University of California! This upgrade marks our 30-year journey from a community school to a university. Starting August 26th, 2024, log in to your student area at huc.education for more details on expanded programs, enhanced facilities, and seamless credit transfers within California.

Market Leaders in Professional Education

Effective leadership and management skills are the glue that links moving parts within an organisation together; enabling employees to understand where their personal contribution fits into that organisation, and therefore deliver better public services.

Comprehensive Guide to Enrollment and Financial Aid at Highland Institute of California

Program Options

  • Options include full-time or partial attendance for both distance learning and on-campus.
  • Fees vary; financial aid and credit transfer cover travel and accommodation expenses.

Registration and Enrollment

  • Register online and receive a confirmation receipt upon payment.
  • Activate student area to access preparatory courses.


  • Highland Institute of California accredited by Inter-State Council, ensuring programmatic standards and education quality.

Distance Learning

  • Recognized and approved program suitable for working adults and those unable to travel.
  • Access study materials online; no indication of online delivery on degree or certificate.

On-Campus Transition

  • Upon enrollment, access initial courses including English proficiency modules.
  • Option to continue with distance learning or transition to on-campus study in the U.S.

Self-Paced Learning

  • Customize learning pace with initial community credits and English language modules.
  • Flexibility to modify courses and continue learning beyond degree completion.

Financial Aid and Program Overview

  • Verification and evaluation by Inter-State Council of Higher Education for requested program applications.
  • Enjoy over a 75% discount on total program fees, covering both distance learning and on-campus credits in California, for International Working Adults, women's empowerment programs, and various other factors.

Career and Visa Opportunities

  • Career advancement and internship opportunities available in the U.S.
  • Assistance with F1 visa process; potential transition to J1 or H-1B visa for employment.

Application and Seat Availability

  • Limited seats available for the 2024-2025 academic year; immediate action required for application assessment based on financial grant availability
  • Assured support throughout the academic journey from registration to graduation.

Virtual Campus Tour: Explore Our Academic Excellence and Alumni Success Stories


A New Era for Highland, University of California

A Legacy of Excellence: From Community School to University

A Legacy of Excellence: From Community School to University We are thrilled to announce a monumental achievement in our institution's history—what began over 30 years ago as a small community school has now officially been upgraded to Highland, University of California. This journey from a modest community school to a college, then from an institute to a full-fledged university, has been a labor of love, dedication, and relentless pursuit of academic excellence.

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News & Events

Our events are a chance for UK universities and partners around the world to come together to tackle common challenges and share insights

Groundbreaking Study on Renewable Energy Wins Prestigious Award

In a significant milestone for sustainable energy research, a study conducted by Dr. Emily Chen, a recipient of our research grant, has been awarded the coveted Innovation in Renewable Energy Prize.

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Celebrating Excellence: Outstanding Researchers Honored with IHLAC Awards

We are thrilled to announce the recipients of this year's IHCAL Awards for Research Excellence. These awards recognize exceptional contributions to advancing knowledge and innovation in the engineering fields we offer.

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IHCAL Launches New Initiative to Support Diversity in Research

At IHCAL, we are committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of research. That's why we're proud to announce the launch of our new initiative aimed at supporting underrepresented researchers..

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